The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation in Latin America and Beyond: Actuality and Pertinence
by Lorenzo Fusaro,Leinad Johan Alcalá Sandoval,Rossana Cillo,Luis Felipe Docoa,Roberto Fineschi,Abelardo Mariña Flores,Lorenzo Fusaro,Carlos Alberto Duque García,Sergio Cámara Izquierdo,Matari Pierre Manigat,Lucia Pradella,William I. Robinson,Sibyl Italia Pineda Salazar,Leinad Johan Alcalá Sandoval
The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation in Latin America and Beyond: Actuality and Pertinence
by Lorenzo Fusaro,Leinad Johan Alcalá Sandoval,Rossana Cillo,Luis Felipe Docoa,Roberto Fineschi,Abelardo Mariña Flores,Lorenzo Fusaro,Carlos Alberto Duque García,Sergio Cámara Izquierdo,Matari Pierre Manigat,Lucia Pradella,William I. Robinson,Sibyl Italia Pineda Salazar,Leinad Johan Alcalá Sandoval
ISBN 13: 9781793638236
Format: Hardcover
(272 pages)
Publisher: Lexington Books
Published: 15 Apr 2022
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